Age Date Event
16 1978 Sue does a Secretarial Course at Stott's Secretarial College at Dandenong
17-18   1979-80 Sue does her HSC at Cleeland High School in Dandenong
19 1981 Sue studies Philosophy at Monash University in Clayton
27 1989 Moving to Adelaide from Melbourne because of cleaner air
31 1993 Sue does an Open Learning Course (Accounting and Psychology) through Monash University
32 May 1994 Lung transplant Operation at Alfred Hospital, Commercial Road, Prahran
32 October 1994 Sue discovers that the transplanted Lungs that she has are allergic (asthma) to cigarette smoke
33 1995
Sue does a bit of study - Economics - at Flinders University
34 1996 Sue does a HETA course in Small Business
34 1996 Sue does a course in Certificate Level 4 in Applied Design (Interactive Multimedia) at Torrens Valley Institute of TAFE
35 March 1997 Sue becomes a client of Merlin in relation to Internet access
35 March 1997 Started Intramedia Design at 77a Rose Terrace, Wayville with Brian Wilkins and Ashley Hill
35 30 January 1998 The Smoking Incident at Merlin
35 30 January 1998 Admitted to the Royal Adelaide Hospital as a result of exposure to Cigarette Smoke at Merlin
35 1 February 1998 Sue walks past cigarette smoke in RAH carpark but holds her breath! No asthma attack.   ?????????
35 1 February 1998 Major asthma attack caused by security guard smoking outside of Casualty at 2 am
35 21 February 1998 Discharged from the Royal Adelaide Hospital
35 4 March 1998 Admitted to the Royal Adelaide Hospital - continuing chest infection
35 9 March 1998 Discharged from the Royal Adelaide Hospital for home iv
35 23 March 1998
Sue attends at Accident and Emergency Department at the Royal Adelaide Hospital - visited Chest Clinic and walked past cigarette smoke
36 17 July 1998 Admission to Royal Adelaide Hospital
36 28 July 1998 Discharged from Royal Adelaide Hospital
36 28 August 1998 Bronchoscopy and Endoscopy (Day Procedure) at Royal Adelaide Hospital
36 28 August 1998 Pneumothorax (lung collapse) as result of Bronchoscopy
36 4 September 1998 Admission through Thoracic Clinic, Royal Adelaide Hospital
36 7 September 1998 Discharge from Ward S2, Royal Adelaide Hospital and transferred to the Alfred Hospital, Prahran